The damselfish, also called virgin fish, coral fish or Pomacentridae, are a family of the order of Perciformes. They prefer tropical and subtropical waters, but a few species occur in the Mediterranean, the Black Sea or in brackish water front. Damselfish are considered well preserved, making them ideal for hunting and beginners. Depending on the type, they are between 4 and 35cm long. They tend to form areas, a feature that should definitely be considered when setting up the aquarium.
Chrysiptera springeri
Other names: Springer's blue damsel, Springer's damselfish
Chrysiptera Talboti
Other name: Talbot's damselfish
Chromis Retrofasciata
Other name: Black Bar Puller
Pomacentrus Auriventris
Other name: Yellow belly damsel
Pomacentrus Alleni
Other name: Andaman damsel
Chrysiptera taupou
Other names: Fiji damsel, Southseas damsel
Pomacentrus Caeruleus
Other names: Blue pete, Bluedevil, Yellowbellied damsel,
Chromis vanderbilt
Neopomacentrus azysron
Other name: Orange-tailed Damselfish