Sea anemones are also known under the name of water lilies, anemones or Actiniaria. They belong to the class of flowers and animals are characterized by their diversity. The solitary predator animals have no skeleton and are half sessile. The size of the anemones varies depending on the type between 1 and 150cm. They are very popular due to their colors in aquarium. The order of the cylinder roses, also called Ceriantharia, belongs to the class Anthozoa. The half sessile animals can crawl move and live in a burrow, which consists of sand grains, hardened mucus and discharged nematocysts. This stands on sandy or muddy bottom and is used for a solitary predator Zylinderrose as a retreat if danger exists. When keeping cylinder roses certain conditions must be respected, such as a ground of at least 10 to 15cm height.
Entacmaea quadricolor
Other name: Bulb anemone
Macrodactyla doreensis
Entacmaea quadricolor
Other name: Bulb anemone
Entacmaea quadricolor
Other name: Bulb anemone
Entacmaea quadricolor
Other name: Bulb anemone purple tips