The family of triggerfish (Balistidae) is part of the order of the pufferfish relatives. They are native to the tropical and subtropical zones of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Ocean. Only one species is also found in the Mediterranean and the North Sea. Depending on the type, it varies in size between 16cm and 1m, many impressed by showy colorations or patterns. Depending on the type and age these fish family lives in flocks, loose groups or in most cases as a loner in districts. They prefer ground and feed on hard-shelled invertebrates or corals, sponges, sea squirts, small fish, zooplankton, algae or seaweed. This should definitely be considered when in aquariums.
Acreichthys tomentosus
Other name: Seagrass filefish
Rhinecanthus aculeatus
Other name: Lagoon triggerfish
Odonus niger
Other name: Redtoothed triggerfish
Xanthichthys auromarginatus
Other name: Gilded Triggerfish